Only Numbers and Facts. Main 2012 events
Key Competences of the Foundation:
1. The Focus of Attention: Public Policy
The Analysis of the Activities of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
The National Anticorruption Strategy(The 2011-2015 National Program on the Prevention and the Counteracting the Corruption).
2. The Focus of the Attention: the Public Finances
The analysis and the impact on the formation of the public finances.
The Budget of Kyiv and the Municipal Purpose Programs.
The Public Procurement.
3.The Focus of the Attention: the Increase of the Analytical, Advocacy and the Lobbying Capacity
The international activity in the area of the increase of the analytical capacity in the budget process.
4.The Financial Report
More Information on the Foundation and Its Partners
The Introductory Word of the Management of the «Open Society Foundation»
Dear Colleagues, Partners, Friends, and Readers!
In 2012 wemadeonemorestepon the way of the strengthening of the principles of the open society in Ukraine, an towards the building the demand for the public initiatives, called to make the power more transparent, subordinate and accountable to the society.We are convinced, that the European future of Ukraine is inextricably related with the values of the open society – the freedom, human rights, rule of law, social justice, transparency and the accountability of the power to the business, the independent judiciary, and the mass media, the influential institutes of the civil society.
In 2012 we continued working on the increase of the impact of the institutes of the civil society on the formation of the agenda in the area of the integrity of the politicians, of the anticorruption policy, and the policy in the area of the budget process, and the budget procurement.
In 2012 we leaded the coordination of the coalition of the NGOs «Partnership for the Integrity in Public Procurement, as well as signed the Dar es Salaam Declaration on the Budget Transparency and the Accountability, and joined the membership of the Global Movement for Budget Transparency, Accountability andParticipation.
Similarly to the prior years, we continued appraising the readiness of the members of the parliament to meet the undertaken obligations, and the ability to make the responsible decisions, in accordance with the principles and the values, earlier declared to the voters. We continue being the key analytical center in Ukraine, exercising the year-to-year continuous civil control over the activity of the highest legislative body of the power – the Ukrainian parliament and the political parties.
Understanding our accountability as the leading analytical center in Ukraine in front of the Ukrainian people, the state, partners, and the donors, the OSF actively works on the increase of the competitiveness of its analytical products, the improvement of the methodologies of the analytical work, the advocacy and lobbying, the involvement of to our team of the leading experts and managers, with the objective of the promotion of the values of the open society in all areas of the social life.
Lesya Shevchenko
Only Figures and Facts.Key 2012 Events
Open Society Foundation - is the Ukrainian non-governmental public organization, established and registered on March, 2001.
The Foundation’s mission is the establishment of the values of the open society in Ukraine via the impact on the formation of the agenda of the public policy and the finances.
Within eleven years of the activities we became the experts in the area of the analysis of the public policy and the finances. In 2012 we continued working on the affirmation of the values of the open society in Ukraine via the increase of the transparency and the accountability of the public policy and the finances.
The team of the Foundation unites the highly professional experts, analysts, and managers, who are prepared to the constant development and the proper meeting of the challenges. For us the year 2012 became:
The Key Competencies oft he Open Society Foundation:
The analysis and the impact on the formation of the public policy.
The analysis and the impact on the formation of the public finances.
The increase of the analytical, advocacy, and lobbyist capacity of the institutes of the civil society in the area of the public policy and the finances.
The Analysis of the Activities of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Thetransparentandaccountableparliamentandthepoliticalpartiesarethefoundations for the formation of the responsible policy and the integrity of the politicians. The understanding of the accountability for the unfulfilled promises is the step towards the new quality of the Ukrainian politics. For a period over 10 years the experts of the Foundation execute the monitoring and the analysis of the activities of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the area of the fulfillment of the unmet promises by the political forces, represented in the parliament.
We have the unique database to compare the met and the fulfilled promises both on the side of the parliamentarians and the represented political parties. On 2012 we issued two editions of the information-analytical journal Yak Pratsjue Tvoya Partiya.
By making thus research we provide the voters the important instrument to strengthen the daily observation and the control over the elected political forces.
The analysis of the fulfillment by the political parties of their pre-election promises, as well as their participation in the formation and the adoption of the governmental decisions and programs has the special meaning. Open Society Foundation is the uniqueorganization of its kind, concentrated on the monitoring of the activity of the deputies within the course of the last ten years, despite the large number of the Ukrainian organizations, that pay attention to the activity of the parliament and the development of the political parties. The Foundation earned the reliable reputation and has all required resources to continue programs of the evaluation of the activity of the parliament.
How Did the Verkhovna Rada of the VI-th Convocation Work (infographics)
«Yakpratsiuetvoyapartiya» №1, 2012 (How Does Your Party Work).
«Yak pratsiue tvoya partiya» №2, 2012 (How Does Your Party Work).
The National Anticorruption Strategy
(The 2011-2015 National Program on the Prevention and the Counteracting the Corruption)The Corruption is one of the key obstacles on Ukraine’s way towards the open society and the European integration. The analysis of the efficiency of the existing anticorruption policy and the impact on its formation and the improvement is the key priority of the Foundation’s activity.
Open Society Foundation in the coalition with the institutes of the civil society and the independent experts (the Ukrainian Institute of Public Policy, the Antykoruptsiyna Rada Ukrayiny, Filosofiya Setsia, Center of Political-and-Legal Reforms, CASE-Ukraine, e.t.c.) provided the general recommendations on the Renewal of the 2011-2015 National Program on the Prevention and the Counteracting the Corruption. On the basis of the few methodological approaches, chosen among those, developed by the Foundation in 2012, the public monitoring of the fulfillment of the some indicators of the 2011-2015 National Program on the Prevention and the Counteracting the Corruption was made. The outcomes of the public monitoring were presented on December 9, 2012, by the Transparency International – Ukraine.
The experts of the Foundation conducted the public expertise of the fulfillment of the following Program components:
• the Program tasks,
• the Budget programs, related to the Program,
• the measures, undertaken by the fifteen chapters of the Program. Open Society Foundation also took part in the active lobbying of the structural changes to the Program (changes in the tasks for each of the 15 chapters).
During 2011-2012 Open Society Foundation drafted the number of the analytical recommendations to the measures to fulfill the Program indicators. The above recommendations were presented to the leading experts of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, the people’s deputies of Ukraine, and the deputies of the Kyiv City Council.
FundatsiyaVidkryteSuspilstvo reasonably defended its stand with the course of the quarterly meetings of the Public Council of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, and pronounced few reports on the topic the Execution of the 2011-2015 National Program on the Prevention and the Counteracting the Corruption.One can separately state, that the Open Society Foundation represented its proposals to the Kyiv City Anticorruption Program, approved on December, 2012.
More Details:
The Analysis and the Impact on the Formation of the Public Finances
The Kyiv Budget and the Municipal Purpose Programs The transparency of the planning, the adoption of the budget, its execution, as well as the public reporting on the fulfillment of the budget, is on of the important preventive measures to the inefficient spending of the public finances, assets, and the resources.
On the local and the regional levels, where almost all budgets are subsidized, this problem became especially topical.
However, as the practice witnesses, the bodies of the local self-government, the local bodies of the executive branch, as well as their officials, are far from always fulfilling the legal requirements with respect to the transparency of the budget process. Under the conditions of the insufficient state financing, the optimization of the local and the regional budgets, as well as their drafting on the transparent basis, grounded on the evaluation of the real needs of the local communities and the most efficient ways of their satisfaction, became especially topical.
The experts of the Foundation were performing the monitoring of the state of the execution of the Kyiv City budget three years in a row, examining the efficiency of the public finance expenditures, transparency and accountability to the community.And since the last year they analyzed the state of the execution of the city purpose programs in Kyiv under the framework of the project The Elaboration of the Proposals to the Public Policies to the Kyiv City Budget.
One third of the Kyiv budget (UAH 7 bln.) is realized via the municipal purpose programs. Despite the existing approved order of the development, approval, and execution of the municipal purpose programs in Kyiv, this process remains non-transparent, and the information on their execution is hard to collect.The considerable factual material on the lobbying of the private interests by the public servants of the Kyiv City Council State Administration, of the Rayon State Administrations, and the deputies of the city council, was gathered.
The existing developments provide the good reason to identify the features of the unfair behavior, income concealment, and the conflict of interest on the level of the public servants of the Kyiv City State Administration, the deputies of the Kyiv city council, and the officials of the communal enterprises.
Under the umbrella Execution of the Municipal Purpose Programs in Kyiv, the Foundation prepares and spreads via Google-groups and mass media the monthly bulletin, devoted to the inefficient spending of the public finances, and the potential corruption activity of the municipal power in Kyiv. On 2012 the Foundation completed the public expertise of the potential corruption activity in the area of the communal property and the land resources.
Analytical Report: 2011 Kyiv Budget: Problems and Risks
The Public Procurement
Contrary to Europe, the people, who become millionaires and even billionaires in Ukraine, mainly do not create the competitive products or services, but are merely affiliated with the Government, and the impact on the distribution of the budget funds. According to the expert estimates, no less than 30% of the budget money were spent with the corruption risks, and the Government policy in 2012 was directed towards the reduction of the competition and the transparency in the process of the spending of the budget money. The state policy of the such type created the additional opportunities for the enrichment of the persons, affiliated with the Government, and increased the demand for the public expertise in this area. The Foundation is the active and the leading participant of the all-Ukrainian coalition – the partnership, that unites over sixty orgamizations of the civil society and the independent experts FOR THE INTEGRITY IN PUBLIC PROCUREMENT ( In 2012 the Foundation leaded the Secretariat of the Partnership.
The experts of the Foundation represented over 100 articles (materials), placed on the web-site of the Partnership, popular among the institutions of the civil society from all-over Ukraine. Around 200 visitors read each article on average. Besides., the experts of the Foundation provided over 70 individual consultations on the issues of the public procurement. The experts of the Foundation took the active part in the international project Skhid-Skhid, where the experts provided their own vision of the processes of the public procurement in Ukraine to the experts from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. The Increase of the Analytical, Advocacy, and Lobbying Capacity.
The International Activity in the Area of the Increase of the Analytical Capacity in the Budget Process The increase of the Foundation’s capacity and the institutes of the civil society, who are its partners, in the area of the public policy and the finances are the key in the preparation of the competitive analytical products, and the successful advocacy and lobbying of its results.
Understanding the importance of the usage in Ukraine of the best World practices of the analysis and the impact on budget process, on December, 2012, the Foundation signed the Dar es Salaam Declaration on the Budget Transparency and the Accountability and the involvement of the civil society to the budget processes (
The Foundation is the only organization, representing Ukraine in the International Budget Partnership in the European Group, headed by the professor Katarina Ott, Director of the Institute of Public Finance (Zagreb, Croatia).
Open Society Foundation
Charles Stuart Mott Foundation |
399,747 |
National Endowment for Democracy, USA (NED) |
136,235 |
The International Renaissance Foundation |
140,000 |
Bohdan Havrylyshyn Charitable Fund |
10,000 |
Charitable Contributions to the Statutory Activity |
18,000 |
703,982 |
Salary of Employees |
26,157 |
net of the following deductions: |
3.6% to the Pension Fund |
1,148 |
15% Personal Income Tax |
4,616 |
36.7% Accruals on the Salary to the Pension Fund |
11,734 |
Research, Expert-and-Analytical Activities |
352,313 |
Trainings |
36,400 |
Payment for Labor of Employees |
14,560 |
Rent of the Office Space |
40,340 |
Office Logistics |
20,783 |
Communication Services (telephone, internet) |
18,753 |
Editions, including the Publications of the Journal «Yak pratsiue Tviy Deputat / Partiya», «Stabilization of the National Budget: Two Years of the Economic Reforms of the President of Ukraine", textbooks «Partiyne upravlinnia ta vybory» |
151,180 |
Expenses to Arrange the Events (Conferences, Round Tables, Seminars) |
15,640 |
Transport Expenses |
16,450 |
Bank Services |
4,993 |
678,667 |
More Information on the Foundation and Its Partners
More information on the Fundatsiya Vidkryte Suspilstvo may be obtained at:, and on the sites of the partners of the Foundation: UNIAN, Ukrayinska Pravda, Correspondent, Dilova Stolutsya, Hlavred, UNTsPD, NTsPD, and the Center of Political-and-Legal Reforms, Transparency International Ukraine, etc. In 2012 the site DEPUTAT ( was the corporate site of the Open Society Foundation. The additional domain was registered subsequently. The Team of the Open Society Foundation is opened to the cooperation and will be open-minded to the constitutive proposals.
Open Society Foundation
04070 Kyiv, vul. Bratska 6, office 402
Tel./fax: (044) 425-77-09
Team of the Open Society Foundation